Ashley Perich

Andrew Pierce, Ashley Hudson and the Hamburg group knew that they could not go back. Ashley was just 17 years old and hadn't had a boyfriend, so they took it slow. However, it was true romance at first sight. Andrew asked at New Year's Eve just ahead of the beginning of the new year in 2016, to God would give him one last blessing in the year. It was also hoped that Ashley would be his bride. Ashley was looking for a classy wedding that was a folk-inspired wedding. It was essential for her to ensure that the wedding reflected the two of them. Andrew as well as Ashley. The couple incorporated a bit of everything they loved for their big day. The location was the back 40 acres of the property Ashley was raised on. Ashley was a keen player and would explore all the land, including the paths they had taken to reach the spot. Andrew and Ashley have also explored in this spot several times since when they first started dating. Because the wedding was largely DIY, personalization played an important role. Andrew Ashley's father and Andrew designed the ceremony arch as well as the seating arrangements, and Ashley performed a lot of designing and painting. Ashley states, "Our wedding would not be the magical experience I had always envisioned had Anna's stunning flower arrangements hadn't been created." Absolutely stunning.

 Ashley Nicolle Wallace  Ashley Perich  Ashley  a  s Perich  Ashley f h  Perich


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